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Terms & Conditions

Clients understand that advice and recommendations provided by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. is given in the capacity of a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment


Clients understand that they should always seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified health practitioner regarding any matters that may require medical attention or diagnosis


Clients agree to consult with their child’s pediatrician to determine whether they have any medical conditions which may prevent them from being sleep coached safely and effectively 


*Nursing Mothers* As baby's night wakings reduce, breast milk supply can change. Clients understand that they should ask Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. for additional add-on lactation support or consult with their primary care  regarding breast milk supply, maintaining supply, and managing any changes that may occur


Clients agree to disclose any medical condition that their child may have to Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. as any omissions may affect the success of their child's sleep consulting journey


Clients agree to disclose any behavioural, developmental, or neurological conditions that their child may have (or clients believe that they show signs of without being formally diagnosed) to Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. as any omissions will greatly impact the success of their child's sleep consulting journey


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*  Clients will complete their child's intake form to the best of their ability and understand that any omission or incorrect information may affect Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. from providing effective and appropriate strategies to help their child sleep


When making changes to the way our children sleep in order to overcome sleep challenges, even the gentlest of sleep training methods with lots of parental involvement will involve some tears. Clients acknowledge that although Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. will endeavour to provide strategies that will reduce stress for parents and children as much as possible, it's reasonable to assume there will be some crying once we implement change to improve sleep


Clients understand that while Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. will endeavor to deliver and support effective strategies to help children sleep consistently, Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. cannot guarantee success for all children


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)* Clients understand that not reading their sleep plan, not following the sleep plan, or only selecting to implement elements of the sleep plan, without the assistance of Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. in making adaptations, will reduce the likelihood of success for family sleep


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)* The sleep plan provided by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. is customized specifically for the clients child. It is important to share this with those who will be helping you to implement these strategies but should otherwise remain exclusively for clients use and will not be given to any third party


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*   Clients will implement and commit to their customized sleep plan provided by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. in a timely manner to make best use of the 2 weeks of follow-up support offered within; and clients will begin implementation of the customized sleep plan within 2 weeks of the consultation date


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*   Clients understand that in order for Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. to best offer guidance and support throughout the process of improving their child's sleep, clients must input information into their child's online sleep diary on a daily basis


Clients understand that without this information, adequate support cannot be provided


Clients understand that it is important that all family members involved with their child’s sleep plan should follow the plan as given (parents, relatives and other caregivers) and they will make sure a copy of the plan is made available to them


Clients understand that it is their responsibility to ensure that their partner/spouse/co-parent is fully on board with their sleep training process, and is willing to support the client and the child in implementing their chosen sleep plan in full. Success is greatly diminished when both parents are not on board with this process, and Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. does not recommend proceeding with sleep training support unless both parents are on the same page, and willing to put in the work


Clients agree to follow safe sleeping practices in line with the AAP and WHO recommendations


Clients understand that Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. will respond to communications in a timely manner whenever possible, but that there might be some delay if clients communicate outside of business hours (Monday - Friday 09:00 - 19:00 EST USA, Saturday 10:00 -13:00 EST USA)


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*  Clients understand that continued communication with Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. is paramount to success in their  sleep consulting journey. Family life is naturally busy and fast-paced and Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. is acutely understanding of this


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*  Clients agree to daily communication within the 2-week follow-up support period, via text, phone call or email (whichever their preference) and they agree to respond to communication initiated by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. in a timely manner (within 1 business day) so that they can receive successful and adequate support


Clients understand that if Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. does not hear from the client for a period of time during the follow-up support period, or if they miss a prearranged call or do not respond to communication initiated by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd., JGS Ltd. will assume that all is going well and that no further support is required


*(2-week ultimate sleep training support)*   Clients understand that if at any point during the sleep consulting process they are unhappy with their personalised sleep plan, they should communicate any concerns with Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. in a timely manner as adaptations are always possible and it is Jolly Good Sleep Ltd.'s top priority that clients and their families are happy, comfortable and confident; and that their family achieves the greatest possible success in their sleep consulting journey


Clients agree that a redacted summary of their sleep consulting journey may be used by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. for case studies and/or marketing & promotional efforts. Please note that no identifying information will be used, and all names will be changed or removed


If clients cancel their consultation with Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. with less than 24-hours notice, they understand that for any reason other than act of god or loss within the immediate family, clients will not be eligible for a refund


Clients understand that refunds are solely at the discretion of Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. The invoice amount paid is generally considered non-refundable after the consultation


Clients understand that reliance on any information provided by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. is undertaken solely at their own risk. Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. does not make any warranties, express or implied, regarding consulting services provided. Jolly Good Sleep Ltd.'s liability (if any) is limited to the consulting fee paid by the client to Jolly Good Sleep Ltd., and in no event will Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. be liable to for any additional claim, losses or damages


Jolly Good Sleep Ltd. reserves the right to terminate this sleep consulting agreement at any time, with or without a partial refund, if clients breach the terms of this agreement

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