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Frequently asked questions

Q. What is your approach to sleep training?

A. I am educated and certified in numerous sleep behaviour techniques and response methods, all of which are supported by positive psychological research. My sleep plans are bespoke and my approach is adaptable, based on your child's temperament and your parenting philosophy; no two little ones are the same. For some children and their parents, they need plenty of contact and interaction during the sleep improvement phase and for some, a method with less parental involvement is more appropriate; and that's okay! Whether we implement a high or low involvement approach, there is no right or wrong; only what is best for your family.

Q. Is there crying involved?

A. When we make any change to the way little one's sleep, the following always remains true:

an overtired child + change = tears. Whatever strategy we decide is the best fit for your child, my priority will always be to minimize stress across the board and if you do not want to leave your little one crying alone, you do not have to! Remember; an overtired child cries significantly more than a well rested one, so getting their sleep on track is the most assured way to reduce crying for your child.

With consistency and support, your little one will be sleeping soundly and predictably; with significantly less crying throughout the day and night. If for example, we are supporting a child from sleeping in arms to sleeping independently in a crib, even the gentlest, most supportive of sleep training methods with lots of parental involvement will involve some tears, so if you are hoping to transform your child's sleep with zero crying, I'm afraid sleep training might not be for you; and that's okay!

Q. What sleep challenges will you transform?

A. My bespoke sleep plans encompass all common family sleep challenges with easy to follow, supportive, behavioral science led solutions. The sleep challenges we will transform include (but are not limited to):

* Early morning wake ups
* Nap refusals
* Short naps
* Crib refusal
* Bedtime battles
* False start bedtimes

* Separation anxiety
* Own bed/bedroom refusal
* Multiple night wakings
* Nighttime Feeds and reverse cycling

* Nightmares, night terrors & fear of the dark
* Leaving bedroom multiple times
* Sibling room share disruptions

Q. What is included in my sleep plan?

A. Depending on your family's individual sleep challenges, I will formulate my recommendations in an easy to follow guide, breaking down your child's optimal routine, sleep schedule and environment to transform your little one's sleep. For night wakings and short naps, you will have a response method that suits your parenting philosophy and your child's temperament, so that you can respond to your child in a way that is comforting, consistent and conducive to restorative sleep. Your bespoke sleep plan breaks down your pathway to a predictable, nourishing and peaceful night's sleep for your family, step by step; no more guess work!

Q. How long will it take for my child's sleep to improve?

A. The biggest impact on the success of your child's sleep is consistency. If you can trust the process, follow through on your chosen method and implement your recommended sleep schedule and plan in full, you will see a dramatic improvement in your little ones sleep with consolidated nighttime sleep and longer naps within 2 weeks; with significant improvement seen in the first few night's! Methods centered in high parental involvement (lot's of contact) do take longer to see improvements, but to most families it is worth the added time to utilize a method they are comfortable with; with the same successful end results. Remember, if you only implement your sleep strategy-ish, you'll only see results-ish!


Q. Why should I work with a sleep consultant?

A. The realm of baby and child sleep is a notorious minefield of misinformation. Instead of digging through google at 3am desperate for a solution to your little one's sleep challenges, you could have an evidence based strategy, that is tailored to your child and will improve your family's sleep within days. Better still, you don't have to work on this alone. Change is tough, but you will have me in your pocket guiding and supporting you every step of the way.

Q. How will child's mood and behaviour change?

A. Gaining long stretches of restorative sleep will have a tremendously positive impact on your child's overall well-being. Sleep begets sleep, and once little ones suddenly soak in long stretches of restorative sleep that they're not used to, they can at first be much more sensitive to being overtired now that they are no longer "wired." It's as if their body suddenly realises how exhausted they are! Their stress hormones are decreasing, and their natural sleep hormones are finally able to increase, and regulate. Symptoms of sensitivity during this posive phase can include being less sociable, gaze drifting off into space, less eye contact and lack of interest in activities. This doesn't happen for all children and good news, this phase is temporary! Once sleep becomes more predictable and their body becomes more regulated and well-rested, your child's mood will improve significantly. A well-rested child is a happy one!

Q. Can we relax our approach to sleep once we see improvement?

A. Once sleep is stable, an 80/20 rule is suitable for most children. 80% of the time, sleep is offered at an optimal time, in an environment conducive to sleep. The other 20% of the time, enjoy that contact nap snuggle, nap on the go in the car or later bedtime while enjoying an evening out with friends - you needn't be shackled to the house by your little ones sleep!

Q. If I struggle with the sleep training process, what should I do?

A. Once you begin to implement your sleep plan, if you find it is not playing out how you hoped it would, let's talk it through and see what adaptations could be made to have you feeling comfortable, confident and one step closer to achieving your family's sleep goals. Communication is key and I am here for you throughout this process!

Q. Do you have clinical studies you can provide that support there is no harm to my child during sleep training?

A. Absolutely! The latest clinical research in pediatric sleep and child behavioral psychology is at the center of my practice. Click here to access stacks of clinical research in support of traditional sleep training methods.

Q. I don't live in Charlotte, North Carolina; can you still help me?

Absolutely! I support families nationwide and globally through virtual video consultations, telephone and email support

Baby and child sleep consultant Charlotte NC
Baby and child sleep consultant Charlotte NC
Baby and child Sleep consultant Charlotte NC
Baby and child lactation consultant Charlotte NC
Baby and child sleep consultant Charlotte NC
Certified baby sleep consultant Charlotte NC

Lindsay is a proud member of The Institute of Child Psychology, and is Certified and Accredited by the Family Sleep Institute, The International Association of Child Sleep Consultants, The Academy of Lactation Policy & Practice, The Healthy Children's Institute, The Cradle Coach Academy and the Happiest Baby Institute

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Charlotte, NC USA

©2024 by Jolly Good Sleep Ltd.

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